(28 Reviews)
Rating: 1.6 is renowned as the best online dating platform. The key reason behind the enormous demand and popularity of this online dating platform is that it helps people from different countries and cultures to enjoy diversified dating.

If you are looking for dating opportunities according to your age, you need to look at nowhere else but datemyage.

Do you want to learn more about

If yes, then you should keep reading this datemyage review.


It is the best dating platform online. was introduced in the year of 1993. Now, this dating company provides dating services around the world – from Latin America to Asian countries. The best part of joining this online distinct dating network is that you can find out women and men for dating from different 40 countries.

If you are looking for a direct dating platform for singles, you need to look at nowhere else but The best part of choosing this dating site online is that you can easily find partners of age and interest.

When it comes to choosing a dating platform, you would first like to know about its amazing dating features. Actually, comes incorporated with plenty of dating features and functionalities. So, when it comes to choosing dating platform for singles online, you need to look at nowhere else but datemyage.

Video Chatting, Instant Messaging and Live Streaming and Broadcasting for Dating

One of the key reasons behind the ever-growing popularity of is that it provides incredible communication options for dating online. Whether it is about video chatting or live streaming, you will always find datemyage a right dating site to go with.

So, if you want to spice up your online dating experience, you first need to confirm whether your chosen dating site or dating app has useful communication features or not. Thus, you are advised to go with this amazing dating option called

There is no doubt that communication is the key to online dating success. So, when it comes to grabbing success for dating online, you need to choose a dating platform that can help you unlocking useful communication features. Obviously, provides plenty of options for communication. So, you can spice up your dating experience by making live video calls or broadcasting.

Best Dating for Singles

Leading a life as a single can be a hectic task to accomplish. Obviously, you will never and ever like to enjoy your life alone. Instead, you would like to find a partner who you can share your emotions with. But how it can be done? This is the point where you need to unveil the features of

This is the best dating platform that can help you finding singles from different countries. Yes, it’s the best cross-culture dating site that can help you meeting men and women from different countries.

Obviously, the more you have options to choose from, the better option you will choose. So, if you want to enjoy dating with single women online, you need to browse through profiles of hot women at By going through different types of profiles of sexy women online, you can find out a few women for dating on the internet.

Join for Free review

If you are assuming that joining this one of the best dating websites could be an expensive decision to go with, you need to get rid of this perception. You need to accept the fact that you can even join this dating platform for free. Yes, you can be able to use different dating features of datemyage as a free member.

But the question arises here how you can be a free member on For this, you need to follow stated below instructions.

Free Sign up Process for

  • First of all, you need to visit at
  • Here, you need to click on sign up option.
  • Now, you need to provide asked details of you on the site.
  • You need to provide your full name, email address, contact details, and a short bio.
  • When you decide to write bio, make sure you should write about your objectives behind joining this dating site for singles.
  • You may need to confirm your email address or contact number.
  • You may also choose a profile picture or upload other types of content for better reach.
  • However, you can join datemyage dating site for free, but you aren’t supposed to enjoy premium customer support and services.

How to Become a Paid Member to Enjoy Premium Dating Services of DATEMYAGE

If you are assuming that by merely becoming a free member of datemyage, you can be able to enjoy premium dating features, you need to get rid of this confusion. Yes, you need to understand the fact that without choosing a paid membership of this dating platform, you won’t be able to access premium dating features.

So, let’s check out how you can become a paid member of this dating portal to enjoy premium dating facilities online.

  • The process of singing up on this dating site for paid member is just like the signing up process of free member. The only difference is that paid members need to go through a payment process.
  • For this, you first need to complete your dating profile on this dating.
  • When you complete your dating profile on this website for dating with singles, you will be given options for choosing a paid membership plan.
  • Now, you need to choose a paid membership plan in order to become a paid member of this dating portal.


  • Business
  • Mobile Number+1 (800) 291-5025
  • Email
  • Website
  • AddressSOL Networks Limited, located at 71, Tower Road, SLM 1609, Sliema, Malta

Frequently Asked Questions

What is is an online dating platform designed to connect individuals who are looking to date people within a specific age range. It provides a platform for people to meet and communicate with potential partners.

How does Datemyage work?

Datemyage allows users to create profiles, search for matches based on age preferences, and interact with potential partners through messaging and other communication tools. The platform aims to facilitate connections between individuals interested in dating.

Is Datemyage only for people of a certain age?

Yes, Datemyage is designed for individuals who are looking to connect with others within a specific age range. The platform focuses on helping people find matches who are compatible in terms of age.

How do I create an account on

To create an account, visit and sign up by providing basic information such as your name, email, and password. You'll typically be asked to complete your profile by adding photos and sharing some details about yourself.

Is there a cost to use Datemyage?

Datemyage usually offers free registration and basic features like browsing profiles. However, to access advanced features and communication tools, you might need to purchase credits or subscribe to premium plans.

Can I communicate with matches for free?

Basic communication options like sending introductory messages or winks might be available for free users. However, engaging in meaningful conversations and using advanced messaging features often requires using the platform's credit system or having a premium subscription.

Write A Review

  • I barely get to see pictures, either it doesn’t load or I only see tons of people without pictures. Sometimes I have to close and open the app multiple times in order to even get into my messages. It says it’s for people 30 and over, it’s more like 50 and over. What a complete waste of money! DONT WASTE YOUR TIME OR MONEY!

  • This company cancelled my account without offering a refund. The quality of the people on the site were far from the professionals I expected. I do not recommend this dating app.

  • Terrible site. Did the freebie for a couple day’s constantly got emails there was a new match or people viewing my profile. Go to site can’t see anything but buy premium. Wrote get a generic letter back. So out of curiosity I took the bait. What a waste of my 130.00. Very disappointed and can truly see why the rating is 1Star. They send matches to one commonality. Not matches. They also don’t give a percentage on match and then say 100 or 200 miles and they move it to 400+. Not worth the money.

  • Don’t join this service! They take your money and won’t refund it. They send you profiles with no pictures after you tell them you want pictures. Or pictures of people who don’t respond because they are no longer using the service. Or scammers that will respond to you. You will be wasting your time and money. Then they won’t allow you to delete your profile so they can continue to use it. They themselves are scammers! Don’t fall for it like I did!

  • This site is a total joke. They have no way to control scammers on there. I was getting 10-15 emails a day. The last 3 months on there was a waste of time. I only found 1 legitie person to talk with there in 3 MONTHS! Anyone asks me about this site I will say run do not past og

  • I question the validity of this site. It just did not seem authentic. I searched for local area single women and upon paying for the month service found that those who I had replied to who were supposedly in my area were in different parts of the country. While on the site there were numerous pop ups of women who claimed to be in my given area and upon trying to reply it showed that they couldnt receive messages etc. The site seemed legitimate. That is until I made my payment. Bogus site.

  • This app is a scam. There is probably somebody paid to respond to your chats….. I wasted a lot of money talking to a girl, and I mean A LOT… I had a bad feeling about it… but I was so engaged in the conversation and overwhelmed with emotion to turn away…. I thought “hey it’s normal to want to just chat on the site for awhile, I’ll just give it some time…. ” that “time” just doesn’t end…… This scam was probably the most disappointing ordeal I’ve had in the longest time, if not ever. Hearts are not to be played with.

  • Girls only want to talk there and say they feel safe that way, I believe they are employees to get guys to by coins, meet a nice girl on there but wanted to meet and lived near me than changed her mind. all bs